Starting from $116.95

Patient reviews of Staxyn

Currently, Staxyn has an average rating of 3.8 based on 3 reviews from Treated users.

Happy with product

Did the job I needed it to

Levi B.Verified userJune 17, 2023

did exactly what it was advertised to

what else is there to say?

Todd V.Verified userDecember 09, 2023

Where have these Staxyn reviews come from?

All 3 Staxyn reviews you see on this page are from verified purchasers on Treated, who’ve had it recommended to them by our clinicians after consulting about Erectile Dysfunction. 

We invite everyone who purchases Staxyn from Treated to leave a review of it. Reviews are left on a voluntary basis, so not everyone who gets Staxyn from us will post a testimonial explaining how well it worked.

To help us ensure reliability, this isn’t a forum open to anyone to post Staxyn reviews – the testimonials displayed are from real patients who’ve had firsthand experience using Staxyn, and are best-placed to comment on how effective it was for them.

Similar treatments to Staxyn

Interested to see what else is out there?

Here are some other Erectile Dysfunction options.




Comes as an on-demand pill that lasts for 36 hours, or as a daily dose that's active all the time.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.




Lower dose pill. Better option if you're older or have a pre-existing condition like diabetes.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.




Like Viagra, but cheaper and works in the same way. Non-branded version of the original ED drug.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.

Tadalafil-blister (1)



Like Cialis, but without the branding (so it's cheaper). 'Weekend' and daily options available.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.




Non-branded version of Levitra. Works in the same way, but cheaper.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.




The one you've heard of. Works in 30-60 minutes and lasts for up to 5 hours.


Our average rating based on 3 reviews.

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Our average rating based on 19746 reviews.


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